eBay Tech Issues: Listing Template; App Crashing; Buy It Now, Add to Cart, Offer & Watchlist Problems

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay has updated their ongoing Technical Issues community post, finally acknowledging multiple issues users say have been plaguing the site for months.

The thread, most recently updated on February 19th, shows problems with listing templates, mobile app crashing and Buy It Now, Add To Cart, Make Offer and Watchlist glitches also impacting the app.

The following are open technical issues that have been reported and we are still tracking. If you are impacted by one or multiple of these please consider shaking your mobile app or selecting the question mark in the bottom right hand corner of the eBay homepage to report the technical issue. To expedite your issue please attach the ALERT number associated with your issue below.

Sellers are unable to list the item due to an error message, "Well, this is embarrassing. We're sorry, but the application isn't working right this second. Please try again later."
Reference ID: ALERT15751

Sellers are unable to edit the listing templates as the page goes blank upon clicking on 'Edit' option
Reference ID: ALERT15736

'Buy it now' , 'Add to basket', 'Make offer', 'Add to Watchlist' options & the listing images are not showing in the eBay application
Reference ID: ALERT15710

Longtime eBay seller and YouTuber James Helferstay says he's been experiencing all three of these problems for months and that they have been negatively impacting sales.

And he's not the only one:

eBay Listing Descriptions, Pictures & Buy Button Go Missing In Android App
eBay users report technical problem in Android app causing listings to be missing pictures, descriptions & the all important buy button.
Sellers Report eBay Offers Glitch 1-22-25
eBay sellers report problems sending offers to buyers, saying offer page is unable to load item details & button to send offers is greyed out.

It's not surprising that several of these issues seem to be specific to the mobile app experience - eBay has been doing some major tinkering with the app recently, including forcing an update that left many UK users with older devices no longer able to use it.

eBay App Update Stops Support For Older iOS & Android Versions, Leaves UK Users In The Dark
eBay users scramble after updates leave both iOS & Android apps non-functional on older devices that don’t support Android 10 or iOS 17 or above.

And speaking of "well this is embarrassing"...eBay continues to suffer major technical misexecution failures with a failure to launch Buyer Fees in the UK and postponed rollout of new conditions for pre-owned clothing categories.

eBay’s February 4th Failure To Launch: No Buyer Fees, Missing Pre-Owned Conditions & App Outrage
eBay’s February 4th 2025 plans foiled by failure to launch Buyer Fees in UK, missing pre-owned clothing conditions & forced app update outrage.

As we approach CEO Jamie Iannone's 5th year at the helm and just having passed the 6 year anniversary of Elliott Management's activist bid to push for change at the company, it's shocking just how much of Elliott's "Enhancing eBay" plan still rings true today - particularly critiques around glitches constantly plaguing the platform and lack of leadership prioritizing operational and technical excellence.

How much longer will Iannone, Chief Technology Officer Mazen Rawashdeh and Chief Product Officer Eddie Garcia be allowed to blunder down the same path before eBay's Board of Directors finds themselves facing another call for change from investors?

How have these three latest technical issues impact your sales on eBay? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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I've had a few "Well this is embarrassing" moments; but, fortunately, they have always fixed themselves when I either try to list them again or come back later and try to list them again. However, their continual tinkering with their computer code and not properly testing the changes before release has caused a lot of glitches. So, what do they do? They continue to make things harder to list an item—of late, the promised changes to the condition codes for used clothing plus all the little extra condition changes like loose threads and buttons that may or may not need changing. They seriously need to look at how other online resellers are doing things and quit making things so hard.

Recent Comments
Avatar Placeholderblane55475 hours ago
I have had 12 patches go missing and had to either refund or ship out another patch ....I am worried everytime I use e bay standard mail now ....this all started for me about 3-4 weeks ago ....it is really hurting my bottom line when you have to keep sending out replacement patches ....e bay and the USPS needs to get on this ASAP ....it is going to ruin my business ....I am thinking I need to close my store on e bay becasue of this ....e bay already takes too much in fees, and this year most of us got a 1099K so we have to pay taxes, it is starting to cut way to deep for a small operator.
Avatar PlaceholderZagrebear17 hours ago
It seems that at every step eBay is destroying the pleasure of trying to sell for private sellers. Buyers fees, simple delivery and extended payments all ruin the experience but do they care. Not likely. Many like me are finally finished and unless eBay rescind their ridiculous policies then never to return
Avatar PlaceholderSuewooYesterday
This is the end of eBay for me after 20 years. There is no way to charge a small amount for packaging - eBay, on their 'Simple Selling' hide anything else so if you want to pack your, possibly fragile, item securely you will have to foot the bill for this. Today I queried with eBay why my £3.75 postage, which my buyer paid, was reduced to £3.06 in the breakdown as being eBay's estimate of the postage cost on the date it was listed (!!) and then i got nothing - i had to post it through Evri - it didn't even let me see the buyer's address until the label was printed. The label position on the page is then set so you need to use an A4 label sheet for every two labels rather than 4. I had a long and tortuous 'debate' on the phone with an agent who eventually told me that Simple postage is now mandatory and they will be letting seller know 'next week'. I am absolutely furious.

This, on top of Buyer protection Fee, has made it impossible to sell competitively on eBay. My buyers don't need protection from me!! I have 100% feedback rating over 20 years - this is just another money-making scam from eBay. The price with the protection fee is not competitive for anything and i am not even getting views let alone watchers!! Identical listings where items sold for £10 plus £3.75 postage and packing 6 weeks ago, have necessitated me reducing to £2.75, few people, if any looking, and now a silly offer of 75p!!!!! - Then i lose out on the postage as eBay pocket the difference between what Royal Mail Charge and their estimate of Evri! Evri - which used to be Hermes and smashed an antique set of China worth over £100 a few years ago by leaving the box out in the rain until it was so sodden that it collapsed!! Well done eBay - no regard for your customers!